A personal message from Aaron Zelman,
Executive Director,
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
The murderous beast of anti-Semitism has re-awakened. The danger
for Jews worldwide may be worse now than it was in the 1930s. We
must open our eyes and face this deadly truth. But more
important, we must prepare to defend our lives, our homes, our
families and institutions from attack.
I have written a new article, “The Beast Reawakens: A Personal
Challenge for All Jews to Defend Themselves.” Two excerpts are
below, and you can read the entire article at
The article doesn’t just describe the problem. It gives a clear,
five-step plan by which all Jews of integrity and courage can
prepare to meet today’s anti-Semitic threats — meet those
threats with strength that will discourage the bullies who
imagine Jews are always easy targets.
The article is for all Jews, but it concludes with a personal
challenge — and a gift — to Jewish leaders.
If you are a Jew, I urge you to share the article with your
rabbi, your family, community members, and above all with the
leaders of Jewish organizations.
If you are not Jewish but you cherish your Jewish friends,
please share the article with them and urge them to heed it.
Do it for the sake of life.
Now, here are two excerpts from this life-saving article:
You might have naively imagined that the murderous beast of
anti-Semitism was slaughtered back in 1945. You might have
thought it had slunk away forever in shame from images of the
Nazi death camps. You might have hoped it had suffocated in the
blood of six million dead Jews. You might reassure yourself
that those today who rant about “Jewish conspiracies” or blame
Jews for their personal failures are ignorant, unstable — and
certainly a tiny minority.
But if so, you are wrong. And if you want to live — and want
Judaism to live — you’d better understand that fact. Because
today we face not merely one nation of Europeans out to destroy
us. We face an estimated 100,000,000 Muslims around the world
who either support or are active in the jihad. To put that
another way: One out of 10 Muslims in the world believe their
god has ordered them to slaughter us to the last man, woman,
and child. Just as bad, the homicidal loathing of Islamic
fundamentalists has helped breathe new life into anti-Semitism
everywhere, from political parties in Europe to college campuses
in the United States.
What will it take for Jews to wake up? Will you “get it” the
next time the United Nations votes that Zionism is racist? Will
you get it when suicide bombers begin targeting young, innocent
people in the United States, as they do in Israel? Or will it
take something even worse? Another Kristallnacht? A pogrom? A
Babi Yar? Some other horror of mass slaughter and cultural
destruction? That’s what will come if we don’t prevent it. If
September 11 taught us nothing else, surely it taught us that
even America isn’t a safe and invincible haven for Jews.
But the real question is, what are we, as Jews and fair-minded
people, going to do about it? Whine like weaklings? Send money
to groups that will uselessly complain, as usual, on our behalf
while doing nothing effective to dam the poisonous river of Jew
hatred? Huddle helplessly inside our homes while vandals stalk
our neighborhoods? Demand that the government protect us 24
hours a day? Or demand that the government uselessly ban weapons
that evil people might use against us — weapons evil people
will get and use regardless of any law Jews beg for?
My fellow Jews: Challenge your leaders to follow your example.
Get armed. Develop plans to defend Jewish families, homes,
scriptures, institutions, and neighborhoods. Stand tall for what
you value and what you love.
Let me start the effort to lead our leaders on the path of self-
defense. Tell every Jewish leader this: I, Aaron Zelman, will
give the leader of every nationally recognized anti-gun Jewish
group, and that leader’s spouse, free certificates for two-day
defensive rifle, pistol, or shotgun classes at the Front Sight
Training Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada. These certificates are
worth $600 apiece and were provided to us by Dr. Ignatius
Piazza. Dr. Piazza, the largest financial contributor to our
film Innocents Betrayed, donated these certificates because he
doesn’t want people to live in fear of those who hate them.
I offer every nationally recognized anti-gun Jewish leader this
$1,200 gift with no strings attached. All they must do in
exchange is pay for their own trip to Las Vegas and learn how to
shoot in self-defense. The gift of self defense is worth far
more than $1,200. It is valuable beyond measure.
We have added a new feature to the JPFO web site: The News.
If you like to start your day with a scan of the current news,
why not come to and click on the new orange
“World and National News” button? In a few moments you will be
presented with a summary of the top news stories in many
categories, with links you can click for more details.
Original Material in JPFO ALERTS is Copyright 2003 JPFO, Inc.
Permission is granted to reproduce this alert in full, so long
as the following JPFO contact information is included:
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
PO Box 270143
Hartford, Wisconsin 53027
Phone: 1-262-673-9745
Order line: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!)
Fax: 1-262-673-9746