JPFO ALERT: Sketch of Fictional Gun Gets 13YO Student Ejected From School

March 1st, 2012

JPFO ALERT: Sketch of Fictional Gun Gets 13YO Student Ejected From School
Date: Aug 27, 2007 9:44 AM
America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

August 27, 2007

JPFO ALERT: Sketch of fictional gun gets 13yo student
ejected from school

At JPFO we have always stressed the dangers, not just of
“gun control” laws, but of the whole citizen disarmament
ideology. Ideas have consequences … especially bad ideas.

A few days ago, a 13 year old student doodled a “laser gun”
at his school in a suburb of Phoenix. School officials
learned of the doodle and suspended the boy for 5 days,
later reduced to 3 days.
( )

Why did this boy’s doodle deserve any scrutiny at all, let
alone a suspension penalty? The answer is: an idea. The
idea that the very thought of weapons, whether real or
imaginary, must be detected and punished.

This travesty is just the latest in a long history of “zero
tolerance” policies that punish thinking and writing about
self-defense tools.

To learn more about how “zero tolerance” is part of a
greater program of Orwellian Newspeak about firearms that
underlies the “gun control” agenda, pick up a copy of the
award-winning book, _Death by “Gun Control”_
( ), and read the initial few

And don’t forget to have your kids read our Gran’pa Jack
booklet _”Gun Control” Kills Kids_ , available at

As America continues through this 2008 election cycle,
pro-self-defense citizens must be ready to deal with the
likely upsurge of “gun control” rhetoric. _Death by “Gun
Control”_ provides the documentation citizens need to stand
their ground and help fellow gun owners and other voters
understand the issues.

We promise the book is “safe” for use in schools — there
are no drawings of guns in the book!

The Liberty Crew

PS Speaking of lunacy in Phoenix, visit
or to read about how gun melter
Phil Gordon, mayor of Phoenix, has been endorsed by the NRA
Political Victory Fund.

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