: JPFO ALERT: Special “Medicalizing Guns” Feature to JPFO Supporters
: JPFO ALERT: Special “Medicalizing Guns” Feature to JPFO Supporters
America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
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May 15, 2004
ALERT: Special “Medicalizing Guns” Feature to JPFO Supporters
Special “Medicalizing Guns” Feature to JPFO Supporters
By Dr. Madeleine Pelner Cosman
She’s the icon-shattering double-professional who finds time to
volunteer with the sheriff’s department and doesn’t suffer fools,
tolerate junk science or surrender the truth.
She’s Madeleine Pelner Cosman, J.D., Ph.D, and she has graciously
permitted JPFO to publish her logical, energetic and courageous
articles in defense of the right of armed self-defense.
Her articles, first published by the California Rifle & Pistol
Association, charge straight into the “public health vs. guns”
controversy, and take no prisoners among the doctors who use
“medical science” as a reason to disarm citizens.
The first in the series of articles is entitled “Medicalizing
Guns.” Get ready for a real treat!
Click on the link below and stock up on Dr. Cosman’s intellectual
ammunition — no permit required!
Let us know what you think. We’ll be posting her other articles
periodically — watch your e-mail alerts for the announcements.
The Liberty Crew
P.S. After you get the sense of Dr. Cosman’s worldview, then
read her endorsement of Innocents Betrayed. Click on
(See hers in the bottom 1/3 of the long page, just above David
Kopel’s and just below Dr. Tim Wheeler’s.)
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