JPFO ALERT: Wikipedia and Misinformation
JPFO ALERT: Wikipedia and Misinformation
Date: Aug 10, 2007 9:41 AM
America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
August 10, 2007
JPFO ALERT: Wikipedia and Misinformation
For those not familiar with the phenomenon, Wikipedia
( ) is a free online encyclopedia of sorts.
Since its creation in 2001, Wikipedia has grown rapidly into
one of the largest reference Web sites.Written collaboratively
by volunteers from all around the world, the articles in
Wikipedia can be edited by anyone with access to the Internet,
simply by clicking the “edit this page” link.
Like most other organizations, Wikipedia has an entry for JPFO,
which you can find at . While
JPFO did not create the original “wiki” page, we have since
added relevant material to the site. Unfortunately, others
have added their own “spin” as well.
Why do we say that? At various times in the page’s history
(which you can view by clicking the “history” tab on the page)
the JPFO wiki page contained some highly misleading statements
about JPFO. Volunteers have corrected them, but someone
subsequently erased the corrections while adapting some of our
text to transmit more inaccurate information. Our volunteers
also added additional information about JPFO’s products and
positions — that material was also erased.
Given the nature of Wikipedia, it is likely that those who
are bent on misleading the public can and will continuously
modify Wiki pages to pursue their agenda.
People who want to know more about JPFO can visit our website
at or email us at [email protected] We welcome
questions from anyone on the issues relating to “gun control”,
the relationship of “gun control” laws and policies to genocide
and oppression, the analysis of the Second Amendment in the
context of human rights, or any of JPFO’s educational products.
We will continue to add to and correct the information on
Wikipedia, supplying links to support our position. It will be
interesting to see how long the accurate facts can sustain on
the wiki before it is again erased or modified by the enemies
of a Jewish civil rights organization that promotes self-defense.
- The Liberty Crew
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !