Kansas overrides veto
Kansas overrides veto
Date: Apr 28, 2007 9:53 AM
In Spite of the Virginia Tech Massacre? Or Because of It?
The Kansas legislature overrode Governor Sibelius’s veto:
TOPEKA – Gov. Kathleen Sebelius’ veto of a bill preventing local
governments from imposing additional restrictions on Kansans carrying
concealed guns was overridden Friday by the Legislature, allowing it to
become law.
It’s the second veto of the Democratic governor to be overridden by
the Republican-controlled Legislature. Last year, lawmakers overrode her
veto of the bill creating the concealed gun law.
The override was completed when the Senate voted 30-10 — three
more than the necessary two-thirds majority. On Thursday, the House
overrode the veto on a 98-26 vote.
The governor’s office had no immediate comment.
The bill was a reaction to efforts by some cities, especially in
Johnson County, to impose their own requirements.
Supporters say the state should set the requirements for concealed
guns so they will be uniform statewide, avoiding the possibility of
someone unknowingly violating some local concealed gun ordinance that
goes beyond state law.
In a society that doesn’t lock up dangerously mentally ill people until
they have killed someone, and where Congresscritters are talking about
the dangers of terrorists obtaining guns, the last thing we need is more
victim-disarmament zones.