Keep up the pressure on SW even harder…..

March 1st, 2012

Note: They admit below, per the NY AG, that they are working together to BOLSTER S&W against the customer backlash. The US DOJ is to shortly
follow suit. Tell me S&W is not a nationalized manufacturer. Gotta love the Brits, Tomkins, Blair S&W’s Schulz and Clinton. All this is to say that the boycott must be more effective than anyone ever dreamed. KEEP IT UP and PRESS HARDER!!

Just who is colluding here?
Conn. Subpoenas Firms In Gun Antitrust Probe
Washington Post

Connecticut officials, suspecting collusion by the firearms industry to punish gunmaker Smith & Wesson for its promise to improve handgun safety, yesterday subpoenaed records of other companies in the weapons trade. New York’s attorney general said he would follow suit within days as part of a coordinated strategy to bolster Smith & Wesson against a backlash prompted by the company’s unprecedented decision to supply gun locks and restrict gun sales.