Kopel/ Reynolds On Emerson
Subject: Kopel/Reynolds On Emerson (NAtRev/Sam Cohen).
A Right of the People
The meaning of the Emerson decision.
By David Kopel, research director, Independence Institute & Glenn
Reynolds, law professor, University of Tennessee & writer for
October 25, 2001 2:10 p.m.
Last week, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
released a decision that, in ordinary times, would have gotten a lot of
attention. The decision, United States v. Emerson, recognized that the
Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees individual citizens
a right to own guns.
It might seem surprising that such a decision would be controversial;
polls routinely indicate that a large majority of citizens believe they
have a constitutional right to own a gun, and the language of the Second
Amendment itself would seem to support that belief. Yet, in the second
half of the 20th Century, the notion of a right to arms under the Second
Amendment got little respect among the chattering classes.
In the 1960s and 1970s, we were often told that the Second Amendment
didn’t protect a right of individuals to own guns, but rather only a
“collective right” of the states to have militias – or “state armies,”
as retired Chief Justice Warren Burger called them in a Parade magazine
article often quoted by gun-control enthusiasts. Like collective
property in a Communist country, the “collective” Second Amendment right
belonged to everyone at once in theory, but to only the government in
practice, and thus was a nullity – the opposite of a genuine right.
If you disagreed with the “collective right,” you were said to be either
the victim or perpetrator of a fraud, something cooked up by zealots at
the National Rifle Association as a means of deluding the masses.
Informed people, we were told, knew better.
The 1939 Supreme Court case United States v. Miller, we were told, had
ruled that the Second Amendment only protected the National Guard. And
many lower federal courts said so too.
The problem with this is that it’s not true. Miller, in fact, doesn’t
even mention the National Guard, and offers, at most, extremely
ambiguous support for the “collective right.” By the 1990s, many
people – including leading legal scholars such as Laurence Tribe of
Harvard, William Van Alstyne of Duke, Sanford Levinson and Scot Powe of
the University of Texas, and Akhil Amar of Yale – began pointing this
out. Professor Brannon Denning of Southern Illinois University unpacked
the many lower-court cases and discovered they didn’t actually follow
Miller at all, and often claimed that the Supreme Court had said things
that, in fact, it never did.
Though there have been a few scholarly efforts to counter the academic
individual-rights view, they have fared poorly – particularly since
their most famous star, Michael Bellesiles’s Arming America, has been
exposed as a hoax. If you read Bellesiles’s footnotes, you discover that
his sources often do not support his claims, and in fact frequently
contradict his thesis. National Review’s Melissa Seckora discovered that
Bellesiles claimed to have examined 19th-century California probate
records which had actually been destroyed in the 1906 San Francisco
So by the time the Emerson case reached the Fifth Circuit, the stage had
been set for some serious rethinking. The court reviewed Miller and
found that, while the case was not entirely clear (UCLA law professor
Eugene Volokh teaches it as a model of ambiguity), Miller was at the
very least consistent with an individual right, and certainly did not
stand for a collective right.
The Fifth Circuit reviewed the academic writing on the Second Amendment
and found that the work of the scholars mentioned above (and others)
supported the Second Amendment individual right. The court reviewed the
many decisions of lower federal courts and essentially agreed with
Professor Denning that their reasoning was flawed, superficial, and
The Fifth Circuit concluded:
We reject the collective rights and sophisticated collective rights
models for interpreting the Second Amendment. We hold, consistent with
Miller, that it protects the right of individuals, including those not
then actually a member of any militia or engaged in active military
service or training, to privately possess and bear their own firearms,
such as the pistol involved here, that are suitable as personal,
individual weapons and are not of the general kind or type excluded by
The Fifth Circuit did hold, however, that Dr. Emerson’s Second Amendment
rights had not been violated. He had been disarmed by a combination of a
federal law and a state law, which (in the court’s opinion) worked
together to prove that he posed a distinct threat of domestic violence.
Focusing on this result, Violence Policy Center tried to spin the
decision as a victory for gun control. The VPC celebrated the court
upholding the particular gun law from a facial challenge (even though
the majority said that other persons, based on their particular
circumstances, might be able to prevail on a constitutional challenge).
The VPC press release concluded that “Justice Department prosecutors
then appealed the trial court’s decision {finding the particular gun law
facially unconstitutional}, stating that it directly conflicted with
long-established legal precedent regarding the Second Amendment laid
down by the U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Miller [307 U.S. 174
(1939)] as well as the language of the Second Amendment itself, which
speaks in terms of a limited right to keep and bear arms in connection
with service in a state militia.” The VPC does not mention that the
Fifth Circuit wrote 84 pages explaining why law-abiding, nonviolent
citizens (not only those in “service in a state militia”) have a Second
Amendment right to own handguns, rifles, and shotguns. If the Emerson
decision counts as a victory for gun control, then Second Amendment
supporters must hope for many more such Pyrrhic victories for the
Violence Policy Center.
In contrast, the Brady Center had the intellectual honesty to criticize
the Fifth Circuit’s opinion, rather than pretending that a vigorous
defense of individual Second Amendment rights was good news for the
gun-control lobby.
Others have tried to spin the Court’s decision as mere “dicta” –
comments not related to its holding and hence possessed of no binding
authority – on the basis that the statute was not struck down. The
Court’s decision runs like this:
1. Emerson has Second Amendment rights, because all Americans have
individual Second Amendment rights.
2. The federal statute that says that persons subject to
domestic-violence restraining orders may not possess a gun is not – on
its face – a violation of the Second Amendment.
3. Applying the statute to Emerson, personally, almost violates the
Second Amendment, but is “barely” constitutional, the Fifth Circuit
ruled, because Texas courts do have sufficient due process and required
findings of fact in order to issue domestic-violence restraining orders.
Texas case law mandates that temporary restraining orders (like other
preliminary injunctions) must only issue when “the applicant is
threatened with an actual, irreparable injury.” The Texas Supreme Court
insists that “An injunction will not issue unless it is shown that the
respondent will engage in the activity enjoined.”
4. Therefore, Emerson may be prosecuted for violating the federal law
that prohibits gun possession by persons who are subject to state-court
domestic-violence restraining orders.
In a concurring opinion, Judge Parker wrote that the majority’s detailed
exposition of the Second Amendment individual right, while not
necessarily wrong, was irrelevant “dicta.” In other words, because the
statute (as applied to Emerson) didn’t violate the Second Amendment
anyway, it didn’t matter if there was an individual Second Amendment
right, and therefore the Court should not have discussed the Second
Amendment so extensively. In Parker’s view, the majority’s Second
Amendment analysis is not even binding law on future courts within the
Fifth Circuit (Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi).
The majority opinion, however, specifically refuted Parker on this
point, and said that the Second Amendment ruling was very much part of
Emerson holding. Indeed, the Brady Center acknowledged that courts in
the Fifth Circuit would now adhere to individual Second Amendment
rights, although it also pointed out, quite correctly, that courts in
other Circuits do not have to. For example, a recent decision from the
Tenth Circuit (United States v. Haney, August 29, 2001) rejects an
individual Second Amendment right, as do decisions from several other
circuit courts in recent years.
But within the Fifth Circuit, Second Amendment rights are now the law of
the land. This is hardly the first time a court has spelled out a
binding rule of law without handing the challenger a victory. A good
example would be the 1979 Jackson v. Virginia (443 U.S. 307), where the
Supreme Court held that to satisfy due process, the state had to prove
every element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. The Court then
found that the state had actually done that in the case at hand, and
denied Jackson’s petition for habeas corpus relief. But the due-process
holding is considered just that, a holding, and is followed. Just
because Mr. Jackson, on the particular facts of his case, would lose
regardless of whether the due-process rule applied did not mean the
Court’s announcement of the due-process rule was dicta.
Dr. Emerson will very likely petition the full Fifth Circuit to rehear
his case en banc. (If the petition is granted, all judges on the circuit
would reexamine the case, rather than the three-judge panel which
decided the recent case. The Fifth Circuit is very closely divided
ideologically.) Eventually, Emerson might appeal to the Supreme Court,
though the Court is unlikely to be willing to take the case, since the
federal statute has not been declared unconstitutional.
What is clear, however, is that gun-control groups and their revisionist
“collective rights” theory have been dealt a major setback, beyond any
spin. As Michael Barone writes:
It will now be very hard – I would say impossible – for any
intellectually honest judge to rule that the Second Amendment means
This setback comes on top of numerous defeats in their efforts to drive
gun manufacturers out of business through product-liability lawsuits,
the defeat (which even Democrats like Bill Clinton and Joe Lockhart
attribute to the gun issue) of Al Gore in the 2000 presidential
election, and their ongoing failure to win in the court of public
As Barone adds: “It is increasingly clear that the gun control advocates
cannot produce the safety they promise. . . . A meek, disarmed citizenry
is less safe than a proud, armed citizenry.” At a time when airline
pilots are threatening to strike unless they are permitted to carry
guns, the notion of sensible gun rights appears especially appealing.
Many supporters of Second Amendment rights would have preferred that the
Fifth Circuit adopt an even more protective view of Second Amendment
rights, and void the federal statute because it did not explicitly
require that the restraining order be based on findings of
dangerousness. Instead, the Fifth Circuit ruled that, in Emerson’s case,
Texas law implicitly required such findings, and that was good enough.
Yet because the poorly drafted federal statute was upheld, the result
should be reassuring to the large majority of Americans who support both
Second Amendment rights and some gun controls. Gun-prohibition advocates
have long warned that recognizing an individual Second Amendment right
would prevent governments from disarming convicted violent felons, or
would create a right to own nuclear weapons or bazookas. Most Second
Amendment advocates, on the other hand, have always noted that – just as
with other constitutional rights like free speech – the right to arms is
not absolute, and is subject to reasonable regulation.
People can differ in good faith about what constitutes reasonable
regulation. The Emerson decision, even if affirmed by the Supreme Court,
would not foreclose advocates of gun control (as opposed to gun
prohibition) from making a case in favor of laws to disarm people who
are provably dangerous. The Fifth Circuit noted that the Second
Amendment allows “limited, narrowly tailored specific exceptions or
restrictions for particular cases that are reasonable and not
inconsistent with the right of Americans generally to individually keep
and bear their private arms as historically understood in this country.”
What Emerson does in some federal courts for federal laws – as the state
constitutions of all but a few states already do, in state courts, for
state laws – is make it clear that ordinary, law-abiding people cannot
be prohibited from owning ordinary rifles, shotguns, and handguns.