Lawmaker wants process for states’ sovereignty (IMPORTANT-THIS BILL NEEDS OUR SUPPORT NATIONALLY)

March 1st, 2012

By Howard Fischer
Capitol Media Services

PHOENIX – Rep. Karen Johnson said she doesn’t personally worry about President Clinton declaring martial law or trying to take away people’s guns.

But the Mesa Republican said there ought to be something in place just in case he does – something that would abolish the federal government if the states do not agree with him.

Her plan, scheduled for a hearing tomorrow, would set up a system for the states to reassume their sovereign rights. Other states’ legislatures are considering similar measures this year, she said.

The plan includes everything from dividing up the national debt to requiring soldiers to return to their home states and report to the governor.

The states then would be free to re-establish the nation – with a new president, a new Congress and new judges.

Johnson said she has received calls from people who “have some real fears because of our illustrious president, Mr. Clinton.”

Her measure, which would go to voters in November, would kick in if one of several things happened.

For example, it would be triggered if the president, Congress or any other federal agent or agency declared the federal Constitution suspended or abolished. A declaration of martial law without consent of one or more states also would start the process, as would any federal order confiscating firearms or making it illegal for individuals to own guns.

At that point, 35 states could re-establish the current Constitution as the basis for a new government.

“I know it sounds ludicrous,” Johnson said. “But strange things happen.”

Johnson said her measure is worded to allow declarations of martial law when appropriate. “If it’s legitimate I don’t think there is a problem,” she said.

Her proposal, HCR 2034, will be considered at the meeting of the House Committee on Federal Mandates and States’ Rights. That meeting begins at 8:30 a.m.