Legal Ammunition

March 1st, 2012

Legal Ammunition

After reading through the Million Mom March website, I have concluded that the organizers probably never consulted with an attorney prior to going public. I would wager the individuals behind this pseudo-organization are primarily motivated by profit.

1. Reading over the MMM Mission Statement, I find that approximately half of their proposed reform measures have already been dealt with by the Supreme Court; [Printz v. United States 512 U.S. 98 (1997), and United States v. Lopez (93-1260), 514 U.S. 549 (1995)].

The remainder of their safety proposals affecting weapon manufactures seem to conflict with both the 10th and 14th Amendments. These Amendments limit Federal power over State’s Rights, and thwart undo government intrusion into lawful corporate practices.

2. The following Million Mom March excerpt is from a press release dated May 15, 2000. Such a major announcement coming only one day after the Million Mom March of May 14, 2000 shows a clear lack of corporate organization; (Board of Directors, Executive Appointment Review Committee, etc.):

“… founder Donna Dees-Thomases announced that Mary Leigh Blek of Orange County, CA has been appointed president and “chair-mom” of the Million Mom March organization for a one-year term.”

3. Another excerpt from the same press release:
“The Million Mom March is a grassroots organization dedicated to pressuring Congress to enact common sense gun laws. Effective immediately, the Million Mom March will move forward with a comprehensive agenda of lobbying and community outreach. The March’s fiscal sponsor, the Bell Campaign, will create a 501(c)(4) lobbying organization for the hundreds of thousands of Million Mom March supporters to channel their activism into a sustained effort for common sense gun policy. The Million Mom March’s 501(c)(3) educational and advocacy organization will now be known as the Million Mom March Foundation.”

5. Any attorney would naturally advise against “pressuring Congress to enact common sense gun laws”… as the Supreme Court has already dealt with the issue in Printz v. US. Any lawyer, whether pro-or-anti gun control, would be obligated to advise his/her client that “pressuring Congress” to enact unconstitutional measures is folly.

6. To qualify for 501(c)(3) status, the organization must be a corporation, community chest, fund, or foundation. A trust is a fund or foundation and will qualify. However, an individual or a partnership will not qualify.

If the organization’s articles state an organization is formed to promote American ideals, or to foster the best interests of the people, or to further the common welfare and well-being of the community, without any limitation or provision restricting such purposes to accomplishment only in a charitable manner, the purposes will not be sufficiently limited to qualify for 501 (c) (3) status. Such purposes are vague and may be accomplished other than in an exempt manner.

7. The Million Mom March web site lists the following mail address: San Fransisco General Hospital, San Fransisco 94110, yet lists no principle office. A principle office is a requirement in securing a “license to do business”.

8. The Million Mom March is continually seeking financial donations while attempting to enact moot laws. Therefore, to protect the public at large, the Attorney General of the State of California should launch a investigation into this sham organization.

9. Citizens can engage the Attorney General of the State of California online at: