Let’s learn from our friends up North!…………….

March 1st, 2012


>Gun registry really a people registry


>Lethbridge MP Rick Casson continues to propagate the self-serving Conservative line that the long-gun registry component of the Firearms Act was responsible for its cost overruns.


>Look no further than MP Garry Breitkreuz’s website and you will find the licensing component was the main culprit. However, that bit of information has to be ignored if you intend to retain the Firearms Act POL/PAL licensing, which Bill C-301 does.


>The Conservative’s continuing efforts to lump everything bad about the Firearms ACT into the globular Firearms Registry has confused many gun owners. POL/PAL licensing is a people registry – a registry that tracks only those that are not criminals.


>Mr. Casson is correct that “There’s nothing there that will indicate, over the years, that it’s done anything to deter crime at all” but it extends to the whole Firearms Act, not just the long-gun registry. It appears the Conservatives are intent on continuing to monitor the law-abiding, who are not the problem, while criminals continue to ignore POL/PAL licences while they shoot away.


>C-301 continues to make potential criminals out of citizens for nothing more than their “papers” not being in order, it is nothing more then a pig in lipstick.


>Al Muir, Spokesman, Canadian Unlicensed Firearms Owner Association (CUFOA)

>Stellarton, Nova Scotia



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