Letter: A firearms licence is just a fraction of total costs

March 1st, 2012

Letter: A firearms licence is just a fraction of total costs
Date: Apr 7, 2007 10:19 AM
PUBLICATION: The Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal
DATE: 2007.04.07
SECTION: Columns Comment.


A firearms licence is just a fraction of total costs


In a letter dated March 31, 2007, Beverly Akerman states that “long guns
are more common as murder weapons in rural communities (62 per cent)
than overall in Canada (54 per cent).”

Stats Canada reports shootings by ALL types of firearms in total,
everywhere, account for only 30 per cent of all homicides, the same as
stabbings. Statistics from police and women’s shelters across Canada
also disagree with her claim that “guns are the weapon of choice in
domestic violence.”

Ms Akerman then states, “A firearms license costs $60. . . . It costs
more to license a dog than a lethal weapon.” That’s false. The required
firearms safety course costs more than $100. Purchasing a gun, trigger
lock, gun safe and gun club membership are required expenses before one
can legally own, store and use a firearm. The license fee of $60 is a
tiny fraction of this cost.

I must ask, if the argument for gun control is so strong, why does it
always need lies to support it?

Anne Wilson

Meadow Creek, B.C.

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