Letter: “Carrying a whistle as a means of self-defence?”
Letter: “Carrying a whistle as a means of self-defence?”
Date: May 19, 2008 10:43 AM
PUBLICATION: The Edmonton Sun
DATE: 2008.05.19
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
PAGE: 10
COLUMN: Letters to the Editor
A poll on carrying a whistle as a means of self-defence? Let’s assume you even
get the chance to blow your little whistle. Who’s coming to your aid? A couple
of other whistle-blowers? I am sure a rousing rendition of Bing Crosby’s White
Christmas will scare off any potential attacker.
Chris Potts
EDITOR (Whistling a different tune.)
I would never carry a whistle for my safety. Whistles are dangerous! You could seriously
damage your attacker’s hearing. I believe whistles should be banned – except
for the police and military.
Ryan Craft
EDITOR(Ban whistles? What next? Kites?)
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !