Letter: Confiscating guns isn’t the answer

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Confiscating guns isn’t the answer
Date: Dec 7, 2006 1:50 PM
PUBLICATION: The Whitehorse Star
DATE: 2006.12.06
SECTION: Opinion
PAGE: 11


Confiscating guns isn’t the answer


If banning and confiscating legally-owned pistols were the answer,
England wouldn’t be a place where gun crime was approaching and even
exceeding U.S. levels.

If banning and confiscating legally-owned semi-automatic rifles were the
answer, Australia wouldn’t be looking at skyrocketting armed robbery

If lots and lots of guns in civilian homes caused deadly crime,
Switzerland wouldn’t be one of the most boringly safe places in Europe.

If a future Liberal government does go through with its promise of
banning and confiscating pistols, that would mean chasing urban and
Quebec votes from Canadians less trusted by our government than the
citizens of countries like Paraguay, Singapore, Taiwan, Lithuania,
Andorra, Argentina, and El Salvador, just to name a few.

Those citizens are trusted by their countries. It’s scary what
politicians will do to get back into power.

Ana Pereira

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !