Letter: Disarm gun registry

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Disarm gun registry

PUBLICATION: The Daily News (Halifax)
DATE: 2004.12.22
SECTION: Editorial
PAGE: 14


Disarm gun registry


To the editor:

Who in their right mind can argue that the intent of the federal gun
registry is not a good idea? Like a lot of ideas proposed and supported
by our elected representatives, however, political considerations
usually push to the forefront of the debate, masking all other
considerations, even when it’s clear the legislation has not, and will
not, accomplish its intended objective.

When the proponents of this legislation can show citizens the law has,
or will, keep guns out of the hands of criminals, I will endorse it 110
per cent. Until then, it should be scrapped, and the money should be
used to put more police on the streets.

Malcolm F. Brown
Porters Lake