Letter: Gun owners responsible

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Gun owners responsible
Date: May 12, 2007 9:53 AM
PUBLICATION: Edmonton Journal
DATE: 2007.05.12
SECTION: Opinion
BYLINE: Tristan Yockell
SOURCE: The Edmonton Journal


Gun owners responsible


Re: “Lock up your guns,” by Ben Johnson, Letters, May 9.

Johnson suggests gun owners be forced to take IQ tests. Perhaps it is
people like Johnson who should be required to take an IQ test.

He obviously has a hard time distinguishing between things such as age
limits, background checks, professional training, licensing and being a
generally smart, responsible individual with good intentions.

All of which I might add this 12-year-old Ardrossan boy did not qualify
for when he decided to take a gun to school.

Johnson should give his head a shake. No one ever said children should
pack a gun at school. Only trained, checked and licenced adults should
have access to them.

Perhaps he should look at other culprits such as parenting,
glorification of illegal drugs and firearms in the media and nanny-state
brainwashing in schools.

Johnson would have us believe that millions of responsible gun owners
promoting a safer society for everyone, excluding criminals, is somehow
to blame. It doesn’t make sense and we’re not buying it.

Tristan Yockell, Bridgewater, N.S.

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !