Letter: I’d rather be a criminal than register my guns

March 1st, 2012

Letter: I’d rather be a criminal than register my guns
Date: Aug 10, 2005 8:34 AM
PUBLICATION: Vancouver Sun
DATE: 2005.08.10
SECTION: Editorial
COLUMN: Soundoff
BYLINE: James Pocklington
SOURCE: Vancouver Sun


I’d rather be a criminal than register my guns


I was shocked to receive a directive in the mail that I had to renew my
“Possession Only” registration for two small .22-calibre guns. The
government demanded a $60 reregistration fee (more than the guns are
worth) and another photograph to issue a new registration.

I made the error of following the new law and registered my firearms
five years ago. Now, for no apparent reason, they are demanding I fill
out another bunch of forms and pay another fee. Is this the way the
government intends to waste another $1 billion of law-abiding citizens’

Contained in the letter is a threat that, if the registration is not
renewed immediately, I would be criminally responsible for having guns
without a valid registration. Also, if I was slow in registering and
paying the $60 fee, I could not renew without taking a special course
designed for new gun owners. What a complete farce.

I do not intend to continue this ridiculous charade any further. So this
fall, I will become a criminal possessing guns that I have owned for
over 45 years.

West Vancouver