Letter in The Caledonian Record: Peculiar hunting style
Letter in The Caledonian Record
Peculiar hunting style
Thursday October 28, 2004
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To the Editor:
John Kerry, in the last days of his campaign, is appearing in photo ops with guns pretending to be a hunter. It may be his most phony stunt of all. When asked his favorite type of hunting he replied “Deer.” He should have stopped there but he went on. “I go out with my trusty 12-guage, double-barrel shotgun, crawl around on my stomach, I track and move and decoy and play games and try to outsmart them. You know, you kind of play the wind. That’s hunting.” (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 7/5/04).
That takes the prize as the weirdest and most peculiar style of hunting ever devised by man or beast. It is so obvious that he has never been deer hunting and furthermore has never even talked to a deer hunter.
In the real world, Sen. Kerry has voted with the anti-gun lobby on every occasion including s.1431 which would ban his “trusty 12-guage” shotgun. He has voted for every piece of anti-second amendment legislation to come up in the state senate.
One of the few times he interrupted his campaign and flew back to Washington was to vote for a piece of anti-gun legislation. In his 20 years in the Senate he has voted against hunters and gun owners 51 times. A friend to hunters and a hunter.
Yeah, right!
Thomas Akin
North Hampton, N.H.