Letter: Leave legal gun owners alone and chase criminals
Letter: Leave legal gun owners alone and chase criminals
Date: Mar 21, 2005 8:18 AM
PUBLICATION: The Windsor Star
DATE: 2005.03.21
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
BYLINE: Barry Glasgow
SOURCE: Windsor Star
Leave legal gun owners alone and chase criminals
R. King’s letter claims that Alberta’s policy not to enforce gun registry charges
is responsible for criminals having access to guns.
Asking why Alberta doesn’t use its police force to ensure everyone registered all
their weapons, Mr. King blames the Conservative government, farmers and gun clubs
for the fact that this hasn’t happened.
Mr. King and all Canadians should be asking themselves why the police couldn’t enforce
gun prohibitions against one individual despite knowing that he had illegal guns.
They should be questioning how wasting millions of dollars and countless police
staffing hours forcing legal gun owners, who have already been cleared by police
to register their guns will improve things.
Interestingly enough, registry supporters are twisting the issue around by admonishing,
as Mr. King did in his letter, that, the time has come to get the politics out of
the firearms issue and deal with the registration of legal firearms and the illegal
importation and sale of firearms and ammunition.
They’re right — almost. Get the politics out of the firearms issue. Forget about
the millions of legal gun owners and focus on the very few individuals who really
are a problem.
Barry Glasgow