Letter: McLellan’s gun registry disaster

March 1st, 2012

Letter: McLellan’s gun registry disaster
Date: Apr 24, 2005 11:14 AM
PUBLICATION: Edmonton Journal
DATE: 2005.04.24
SECTION: Letters
BYLINE: Mel Wilde
SOURCE: The Edmonton Journal


A matter of principle


Re: “Change of Heart” by Fred M. Reckhard, Letters, April 17.

The letter quotes Anne McLellan as saying, through a spokesman, “I can’t abide
people who haven’t got the courage to stand by their convictions.”

I’d like to know exactly what conviction she stands for. Political corruption? Winning
elections with public funds diverted to a political party? A complete disregard
for taxpayers and how hard they have to work for a living?

McLellan’s gun registry disaster has clearly shown that her convictions are to blindly
spend on useless projects.

Maybe David Kilgour’s convictions include some level of honesty, decency, and repsect
for hard-earned tax dollars — something worth standing for.

Mel Wilde, Edmonton