Letter: Millions shouldn’t give up sport due to actions of ‘criminally insane’

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Millions shouldn’t give up sport due to actions of ‘criminally insane’
Date: Apr 7, 2007 10:23 AM
PUBLICATION: The Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal
DATE: 2007.04.07
SECTION: Columns Comment.


Millions shouldn’t give up sport due to actions of ‘criminally insane’


After reading Beverly Akerman’s article, I am left wondering what is the
point of it? And I wonder why just being a parent of a kid who goes to
Dawson college makes one an expert on sociology?

Recent stats from the Alberta Centre for Suicide Prevention show that
only 18 per cent of suicides are done with a firearm. Methods in 2003:
35 per cent by hanging, 22 per cent by overdose, 18 per cent by
firearms, 12 per cent by carbon monoxide poisoning.

Akerman goes on to say how dangerous guns are in rural areas and then
quotes her connection to two acts committed in an urban area by insane

There are more than 2 million Canadians who enjoy all types of shooting
sports and we are not giving up our sport because of the actions of the
criminally insane.

The right to self-defense, including the use of deadly force, is
entrenched in the Criminal Code of Canada as well.

Pat Proulx
Almonte, Ont.

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !