Letter: Register criminals, not guns
Letter: Register criminals, not guns
Date: Jun 20, 2006 7:59 AM
PUBLICATION: National Post
DATE: 2006.06.20
EDITION: All but Toronto
SECTION: Letters
BYLINE: Tom McAuley
SOURCE: National Post
Register criminals, not guns
The gun registry is attempting to keep track of up to 15 million
firearms and their seven million owners, in the hope of stopping fewer
than half a million criminals (who aren’t on the registry) from misusing
firearms. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to simply track those half
million known criminals, the ones who we know cannot be trusted with
firearms, and check on them regularly to make sure they don’t have
firearms? It seems to make more sense to keep track of criminals rather
than ordinary citizens, if your goal is to reduce crime.
Tom McAuley, Winnipeg.