Letter: Registry does nothing to curtail illegal firearms

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Registry does nothing to curtail illegal firearms
Date: Apr 14, 2007 10:57 AM
PUBLICATION: The Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal
DATE: 2007.04.14
SECTION: Columns Comment.


Registry does nothing to curtail illegal firearms


Clarification of the gun registry and gun control is required. The
registry of sporting rifles and shotguns was and is terribly flawed and
must be rescinded. It has done nothing for gun control.

Gun control – as used in Beverly Akerman’s comments in the March 31
Chronicle-Journal – is misleading. She has not tried to define what is
meant by control.

The voting Canadians that are not familiar with the existing registry
and have not obtained or read what the registry has and is doing to
law-abiding gun owners will accept that it is gun control of some kind.
It is not.

Beverly Akerman’s close association with some tragic situations is proof
that the gun registry does nothing to prevent these horrendous deeds.

Therefore, to sustain a law that has cost multi-millions of dollars and
does nothing to curtail the illegal use of firearms needs to be removed.
Bill Turner’s letter dated March 29 to gun owners is the only vehicle
that can get rid of this ill-conceived legislation.

Ron Thomas

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !