Letter: Registry doesn’t address crime and it never will

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Registry doesn’t address crime and it never will

PUBLICATION: The Windsor Star
DATE: 2005.01.17
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
COLUMN: Letter of the Day
BYLINE: Richard Robinson
SOURCE: Windsor Star


Registry doesn’t address crime and it never will


Canadian gun owners do not think the gun registry helps make us more
secure, not withstanding it’s astronomical expense. The RCMP griped, at
the time, that the politicians, originally driving the legislation,
distorted statistics and even lied to the public in regard to
RCMP-provided information.

The registry does not control guns, it registers them, some of them.
Consider that hunters, farmers and shooting sports enthusiasts have only
registered, some of them under duress, not believing that the system is
worth anything. The registry serves no useful purpose and never will.
It’s existence does nothing to make the families of victims or the
victims of violent crime feel any better as the registry does nothing to
address crime. Criminals don’t register the guns they use and
law-abiding gun owners don’t use their guns for crime. Laws in regard to
safe storage, ownership permits and legal types existed prior to and
separate from registration.

Gun registry supporters need to shake their heads and think about the
billion-plus dollars wasted to date, with more to come, the hundreds of
millions spent by our government in corruption (like the advertising
scandal) and the various home riding scandals of politicians of one
stripe or another.

There is also hundreds of millions literally thrown out the window over
the decade-long helicopter cancellation/repurchase fiasco.

Richard Robinson