Letter: Right to self-defence

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Right to self-defence
Date: Apr 18, 2007 10:37 AM
PUBLICATION: The Daily News (Halifax)
DATE: 2007.04.18
SECTION: Editorial
PAGE: 14
COLUMN: Readers’ Forum


Right to self-defence


To the editor:

The massacre at Virginia Tech will be used by anti-self-defence types
around the world to further their aim of total civilian disarmament.

Any rational human being should be able to clearly see it was the total
lack of defensive capability on the part of his victims that allowed
another madman to kill and injure so many – yet again.

In this case, the police were already on campus in force responding to
the killer’s first two shootings when the psychopath embarked on his
major rampage. If this doesn’t prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt
that “protection” provided by a state that claims a monopoly on armed
defence is doomed to fail, I don’t know what can.

If even one per cent of students and staff at Virginia Tech had been
allowed to exercise their right to self-defence, this tragedy would have
been stopped at its beginning, and dozens of lives would have been

When a similar situation developed at the Appalachian School of Law in
Grundy, Va. a few years ago, the crazed freak was stopped by two armed
students who arrested and held him until the police arrived, thereby
saving many lives. Unfortunately, their heroic use of defensive firearms
was intentionally omitted from 99 per cent of news reports covering this
event. It would appear that the use of defensive force by lawful
citizens is anathema to our enlightened press.

Criminals never have any trouble arming themselves. Disarming the lawful
citizen only provides a state-guaranteed killing field of helpless
victims to the sole benefit of murderous criminals. That’s why there are
never any mass killings at shooting ranges – only at schools and other
so-called “gun-free zones.” The “victims” at a gun club can
shoot back.

It’s time to strengthen our resolve to see that our government finally
recognizes that every one of us has the absolute individual right to
protect ourselves and those we care about.

M.J. Ackermann

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !