Letter to Rosie from a Mother
Letter to Rosie from a Mother
by Kathleen Fuller
The Rosie O? Donnell Show
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Dear Ms O? Donnell:
I am a mother who believes that people should be responsible for their actions. I am a mother who believes that parents should be teaching their children to be responsible for their actions and not to expect things to be handed to them. I am a mother who believes that parents should be teaching their children MORALS.
I am a mother who does not believe in more gun controls or more gun laws. There are enough gun laws on the books right now to choke a horse but the legal system can?t seem to enforce them. A criminal who commits a crime with a gun becomes part of the revolving door syndrome. They go in one door, get a slap on the wrist, and exit through another door. Do you honestly believe that trigger locks, background checks, and gun registration mean a thing to the criminal? I don?t think so. Did the druggie in Michigan care to have a trigger lock on the gun before the six-year old took the gun? Again, I don?t think so.
By demanding that guns be taken away from the honest citizen, you will become the favorite of the criminal society. Now they won?t be concerned about anyone trying to protect themselves or their family.
Guns don?t kill people, people kill people. I know this is an old phrase but it is oh so true. People use knifes, rocks, hammers, nylons, rope, poison, water, screwdrivers, saws, etc. to kill others. Cars are responsible for far more deaths than guns, yet I don?t hear an outcry to regulate, register, or ban any of these items.
Our Founding Fathers executed a great document when they wrote the Constitution. Now we are picking it apart because as a nation we have become afraid to teach values and morals to our children. We are so afraid to do this that we demand that the Government make all our decisions and we are well on our way to having a Big Brother government. The Government has already made it illegal to mention God in the schools. Right now we could really use God?s help.
Rights are a funny thing. We don?t think about them because we assume they are there for all times. It is real easy to chip away at them. People don?t miss them when the chips are small and fall quietly to the side. Before you know it, there is a huge chunk gone and that chunk can?t ever be replaced.
American society has become lazy and self-centered. I guess that is a by-product of the years of the good economy. When something doesn?t go quite right, the first thing they demand is that the Government fix it. They can?t seem to get out of that chair or off the couch and try to do for themselves.
This is what is happening with the gun issue. Heaven forbid if parents actually have to do something like teach their children the difference between right and wrong. My father taught my five brothers and me gun safety, and we had a gun in the house. Guess what, none of us went out and shot anyone. That is because right along with gun safety my parents taught values and morals. They taught responsibility. They didn?t let us roam the streets at night, they made sure we did our homework, and we all went to church on Sundays.
More gun control laws won?t lessen gun violence. Violence of any kind can only be curtailed when people?s attitudes are changed. Children don?t need to see the ever-escalating violence in movies, TV programs, and video games. Kids need to be taught there are other ways to handle differences of opinion than violence. Why don?t you direct your energy towards education? Do you know the history of Prohibition?
I am a woman, a mother, and a member of the NRA and a member of the Muzzle Loaders Association, just as my husband is. I believe in what the NRA stands for, preserving our Second Amendment Rights. I have no respect for President Clinton. He has proven, beyond a shadow of doubt, that he has no character and lies out of both sides of his mouth. I am afraid that Gore is following right in his footsteps. Both of their positions on gun control are based strictly on this being an election year. They are using people?s fears to their advantage in their desire to eliminate MY Second Amendment Rights.
Your opinion that this is all about money is way off target. Let?s put away the real criminals and let the lawful, peaceable citizens, like me, keep their rights. I have done nothing wrong, and I believe in our Founding Fathers far more than the power-motivated, greed-inspired, inauthentic people posing as leaders in America.
Kathleen Fuller