letter: You really have no clue, Sir
—– Original Message —–
From: Greg Jacobs
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 12:23 AM
Subject: You really have no clue, Sir
Dear Mr. Seate:
From your very opening lines you indicate a complete lack of understanding
about firearms, how they are used, why they are used, etc.
You wrote:
“…like duck hunting with an AK-47.”
I suppose you thought that was smart and witty, but if you tried it you
would find out that it is nearly impossible. Firing bullets, even a lot of
them, at flying ducks would net you very little in the way of dinner. But
you obviously have deliberately or, perhaps, ignorantly, ignored the
difference between shotguns and rifles just to appear urbane and
knowledgeable and witty. The fact is, the remark is stupid.*
Then, your suggesting that a few women opposed gun ownership because it is
expensive, even if it was a lot of women, is not an argument for or against
anything. Suppose gun ownership is impractical due to expense; so
what? Rolls Royce ownership is just as impractical, even for wealthy
people, but they do it anyway. Why? Because they can. When did the
purchase of something expensive ever justify oppose owning it? Do you
think there are not thousands of women in this land who understand the need
for gun ownership? Or is a woman’s being raped morally superior to her
shooting her attacker?
Further, do you think comparing guns to chewing gum somehow resolves your
incredibly ridiculous point of view? A few kids abusing their gum chewing
privileges somehow takes you to the conclusion that reading a book is more
constructive than learning to use a gun? I see you can write; I suppose
you can read. You probably play ball with your kids, too. Try something
practical, like learning to defend your family, instead of wasting time on
the ball field.
Finally, in your vain effort to be so politically correct, your comment
about “fending off grizzlies, revenooers, or the people whose land we’re
squatting on” is downright puerile and it is emotional
gibberish. Sometimes, we do need to fend off grizzlies, or other beings
intent on doing us harm, and the reason the Founding Fathers gave us the
guarantee to keep and bear arms is to ensure that the “revenooers” do not
become abusive of the people.
And we’re not squatting on anyone’s land, pal; that little perfidy stands
outside of the rule of law and reason and you know it.
*Ignorance is curable; stupidity is not. I think you’re curable if you care to bother to learn before you speak.
Greg Jacobs
Dallas, Texas