Letters: Handgun ban not answer
Letters: Handgun ban not answer
Date: Mar 29, 2008 12:59 PM
PUBLICATION: The Toronto Star
DATE: 2008.03.29
ILLUSTRATION: Charla Jones toronto star file phot Mayor David Miller is calling
for a national ban on handguns. ;
Handgun ban not answer
Miller presses Ottawa to ban handguns, March 28
David Miller’s soapbox rants about handguns is nothing more than a “vote
getter” and completely ignores reality. Several years ago, Britain and Australia
imposed an almost complete ban on all types of firearms. Politicians at that time,
like Miller now does, touted this move as a positive step to reducing violence.
The result was just the opposite. Crimes of all types, including those involving
firearms, have increased dramatically in both countries. (Don’t expect politicians
to agree with that statistic because they spin facts to suit their own ends). Does
Miller really believe that crime rates will drop once a handgun ban is in place?
I think not! Criminals do not obey any laws. A more positive result would be obtained
by increasing border checks to reduce illegal weapons entering Canada and forming
more police anti-gang teams to get the illegal guns off our streets. I think voters
everywhere can see through David Miller’s nonsense.
Robert Trowell, Ingersoll, Ont.
Mayor David Miller was quoted in your story yesterday as saying, “It is so
abundantly clear, when you look at the international statistics, the tougher the
laws about handguns, the fewer murders there are, the fewer suicides, the fewer
accidental deaths. It is absolutely black and white.” Can Miller show one shred
of evidence that the above statement is true because I can’t find it anywhere.
The evidence I have seen from the countries that have banned handguns is that their
murder and violent crime rates have drastically increased, suicides rates have remained
the same due to other methods being used, and accidental deaths haven’t changed
because there were so few to begin with that it is statistically impossible to lower
this statistic. May I suggest Miller demands that the federal government ban criminals
Cam Cooke, Abbotsford, B.C.
The people in Ontario who do not live in Toronto are sick and tired of hearing David
Miller calling for a handgun ban. This man needs a new gimmick to stay in office.
The city of Toronto has more pressing social problems he should be worried about.
Also, if you would please tell Miller handguns have been banned since 1939. Also
tell him that drunk driving, selling drugs and criminal violence are also banned
but it still goes on. So Miller, give it rest.
Rudy Verstraeten, Listowel, Ont.
So David Miller wants to ban collectors and target shooters from owning handguns
because they might be stolen. Is Miller going to ban Toronto police officers from
taking home their pistols, too? They also might be stolen. As for gun bans making
us safer: England’s violent crime rate has skyrocketed since their handgun ban.
Washington D.C. has had a handgun ban since 1976 and has one of the highest murder
rates in the U.S. Criminals do not obey bans.
Matthew Dixon, Ajax
How can anybody believe that the criminals who disregard the current laws will pay
attention to a new ban on handguns? Instead of blaming an inanimate object, let
the government and the courts change the justice system to deter these criminals
from carrying guns. Enact a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years, no time off
for good behaviour, etc, for anyone who is in possession of any weapon while committing
a crime. Even if the weapon stays in its holster, this mandatory minimum would apply.
For repeat offenders this mandatory minimum sentence would be increased to 50 years.
Let’s punish the criminals instead of creating headaches for law-abiding citizens.
William Mellor, Durham
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !