Liberal Harvard Law Professor on 2nd Amendment :ATTN Howard Fezzell
Liberal Harvard Law Professor on 2nd Amendment
“[Those] who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it’s not an individual right [are] courting disaster by
encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don’t like.” – Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law School
With some help we finally tracked down the source…..
I think I have tracked down the Dershowitz quote.
As quoted in Dan Gifford “The Conceptual Foundations of American Jurisprudence in Relgion and Reason” 62 Tenn. Law Review
759, 789 (1995).
I do not have ready acces to that periodical and it does not appear on my list of on-line
law reviews, so I have not been able to verify it.
Ray Kessler
I looked at the reference again and realized that I have that Tennessee Law Review text. I looked at the quote and the author references telephone conversations with Dershowitz on May 3-4, 1994 as the source of the quote.
There are three lawyers on the list and I have asked one if
there is another known source of the quote.