Liberals: Mean Nasty Hypocrites (FAIR USE)

March 1st, 2012

Liberals: Mean, nasty hypocrites
? 2000

Everyone in America could be a liberal. I could be one and so could you were it not for having morals, honor, and dignity — plus a healthy dislike for hypocrisy.

Take daytime TV talk host and actress Rosie O’Donnell. Please.

Earlier this week Ms. O’Donnell waxed indignant because the media found out her bodyguard had applied for a concealed weapon permit in Connecticut. Rosie is, as we all know, a vehement anti-gunner. “Guns should be licensed like cars,” she proclaims — as if my Dodge Dynasty has a specific constitutional amendment attached to it.

Like everything Rosie and her liberal chums do or say about gun control, her vitriolic hysteria is all “For the Children” — unless, of course, the subject changes to her children. Then, gun control be damned; the more armed guards, the better.

She claims the change of heart is due to “threats” she has received from others. I don’t doubt she has received them, nor do I deny her right to armed protection; indeed, she should have it.

But so should ordinary Americans — especially those who cannot afford armed guards or private security teams. That’s where this whole issue stings most, Rosie, and that’s why our founding fathers had the vision to make our gun rights second in importance only to our right to speak, gather, address the government and practice religion freely.

And that’s where the hypocrisy in this whole “gun control issue” begins and ends. People like Rosie can deny it — and she does — but only to the tune of a fool’s ranting. How many other Hollywood elites have the same kind of protection? Scores of them, no doubt — and they should have — but again, so too should we “ordinary” people.

But here’s another side of Rosie and the liberals most people should know about.

They claim a market on “compassion;” only they “really, really care” about the rest of us. And, yet, when you hear somebody spewing vile, inflammatory rhetoric these days, it can usually be traced back to a liberal.

In the current issue of National Review magazine, there is an article this month featuring Rosie. She belied her stated “compassion” for humanity when she cruelly but stereotypically trashed an entire segment of our society.

In discussing the gun control thing, she told the magazine, “The only life that is important to them (the NRA) is white, Republican life.” How typical and how wrong — and what a nasty, truly mean thing to say about millions of people who, at some point in time, have probably helped pay this ungrateful so-and-so’s salary.

Virtually everything about modern liberalism teaches these kinds of hate-filled, emotionally charged and hypocritical concepts about life and about people. Liberals don’t “think” about issues, they react to them — and then try to justify their emotional reactions as harbingers of fact. When they argue against facts, their dialogue seems more of an attempt to convince themselves they’re right than an attempt to convince others.

That’s hypocritical as hell. And it shows, virtually every time one of them opens their mouth in public.

Even though Rosie’s latest example of the true nature of liberals is bad, it is certainly not the only example out there. The Clinton administration — using jackals like James Carville to do its talking — is rife with examples of this.

“If you drag a $100 bill through a trailer court, you never know what you’ll come up with.’ — Carville trashing Paula Jones.

Mean, nasty and hypocritical. If those qualities fit you, you must be a liberal.

Jon E. Dougherty is a staff writer for WorldNetDaily