Lowe’s Home Improvement
Recently someone told me to check Lowe’s Home Improvement website and check out their anti-gun messages there. I did, and sure enough, they were advising anyone who was stupid enough to believe them that if they didn’t remove all guns from the house, or at least keep the gun and ammo seperate, they would certainly shoot themselves or a family member! I couldn’t help but respond to these dorks:
Consumer Message: Your website advises people to remove all guns fromtheir residence, or at the very least, store guns and ammo in seperate locations.
Since you believe that not being armed makes one safer, and my ten years as a police officer has shown me that being armed is a sensible precaution, I must conclude that you don’t know what you’re talking
about. Since you presume to give advice on subjects that you obviously know nothing about, and that advice could result in the deaths of innocent people, I consider your company as criminal as the scum populating the prisons around the nation. I refuse to do business with criminals and I see no reason to visit your store, as well as every reason to prevent
others from doing so when I can.
David A. McKimmey
San Antonio, TX
I didn’t really expect a response, which just goes to show how wrong I can be on occasion! (It rarely happens, however!)
Dear Valued Lowe’s Customer,
Thank you for your recent email regarding Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse The following addresses concerns expressed by yourself and the NRA about certain firearm safety-related content on Lowe’s web site and the web site of our non-profit home safety organization, Lowe’s Home Safety Council.
Lowe’s is a home improvement retailer, and it is certainly not our intent to take a public policy position on the overall issue of Second Amendment rights in the U.S. The information in question was provided to Lowe’s by a third party, the Consumer Federation of America, who had obtained it from Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy. We understand that certain elements of that information may be viewed as being subjective; therefore, it has been removed from our web site. Frankly, a more careful reading of that information by our staff, before it was posted, may have eliminated this issue before it occurred.
As the world’s second largest home improvement retailer, Lowe’s sells many of the products used to make America’s homes a safer place to live. For that reason, we’re very proud of our efforts to promote home safety awareness among our customers and the public at large. However, as it relates to firearms, Lowe’s position is to simply encourage the safe storage of firearms in and around the home – period.
Thanks again for making us aware of your thoughts on this issue. We certainly regret any confusion the information on our web site may have caused.
If you would like to discuss this issue further with a staff member of the NRA, Bill Parkerson- Director of Research and Information can be reached at (703)267-1187.
Lowe’s Customer Care
Lowe’s Home Improvement
I guess the lesson is that when you see an idiot, you’re duty-bound to point and scream “Idiot!” at the top of your lungs on the chance that someone will do something about it! I believe I’ll start complaining every time I see that magazine “Rosie” on display at the grocery store!