Maine Ban On Assault Weapons Killed By Committee
Maine Ban On Assault Weapons Killed By Committee
Date: May 9, 2005 3:22 AM
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Ban On Assault Weapons Killed By Committee
POSTED: 5:21 am EDT May 6, 2005
UPDATED: 6:29 am EDT May 6, 2005
AUGUSTA, Maine — A gun control bill that drew a crowd of
activists to a hearing earlier this week has been killed by
a legislative committee.
The bill seeking to impose a ban on assault weapons was
killed for this year’s session Thursday by a unanimous vote
of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee after
the sponsor, Democratic Sen. Ethan Strimling of Portland,
acknowledged flaws with the proposal.
Strimling’s bill was intended to fill a gap left by the
expiration last September of a federal assault weapons ban,
which had been in effect for a decade.
But gun-owners’ rights advocates and other opponents said
the federal law was ineffective and expressed concerns the
Maine bill would erode their constitutional right to bear