Mass. departure from reality

March 1st, 2012

The following is from page 18 of the November 1999 issue of Reason Magazine.

Gun owners in Massachusetts have challenged a new law banning practice shooting at targets with human images. The practice outrages lawyers for the state. “By shooting at [human-shaped targets], they’re practicing shooting
at people,” said Assistant Attorney General Edward DeAngelo. Leaving aside the questions of why that is necessarily a bad thing, gun owners say the ban violates their free speech rights. For instance, many shooters aim at targets with a photo of Adolf Hitler. “People express disapproval by shooting,? said Stephen Halbrook, an attorney for gun owners. Reason

For those folks in the gun rights in the gun rights community who do not know
Dr. Stephen Halbrook he is probably the leading authority on firearms law in
the United States. He has published a firearms law reference book which is
used by lawyers who practice firearms law on an extensive basis.