Million Moron Marchers
Actually a misnomer….what was there? Like 3000 actual demonstrators, a few families on Washington shopping trips and a bunch of homeless winos to round out the score?
I’m going to let this collection of misfits make decisions concerning the safety of my family? Oh please! I’d rather eat out with Jeffrey Dahmer! (any recipes for that? Hmmmmm, tastes like chicken!)
Morons? Certainly! I’m not about to compliment them and call them Moms. If they want to save lives they can: keep their rotten kid off drugs, keep him or her out of gangs, set some rules for the unruly little sh*t to live by, and teach him or her basic gun safety (like the NRA does). There is a lot more to being a Mom than copulation and reproduction.
No…I’ll continue to live my life without interference from Hillery’s pet PR lady, Mrs Dees.
I’ll continue to shoot, own and enjoy guns (I saw a nice .45 at the gun shop today, by the way. A custom Springfield “Champion” …anybody shot one?)