MMMer found GUILTY!

March 1st, 2012

Graham Convicted in Revenge Shooting
Associated Press
Thursday, February 1, 2001; 6:15 PM

(AP) ? A 48-year-old mother has been convicted of shooting a man she mistakenly thought murdered her son.

The jury found Barbara Graham guilty on various charges, including aggravated assault with intent to kill.

Graham?s 19-year-old son was shot to death last January. Prosecutors say two days after her son?s funeral, the former D.C. housing official used her son?s gun to avenge his murder. (Me: What is a 19-yo teen doing with a GUN, and in the home of a MMM organizer?)

23-year-old Kikko Smith was paralyzed from the waist down. Police say he had nothing to do with the murder of Graham?s son.

Graham is to be sentenced in March. She faces anywhere from five years to life in prison. The jury didn?t reach a verdict in a co-defendent?s case. The judge told the jury to return tomorrow to continue deliberations on charges against him.

(Comments:) Curious, eh? NO MENTION of her affiliation with the gun-grabbers. Here’s the rest of the story, buried in an earlier Post article:

…Graham’s case has been rife with incongruities.

In the months after her son’s death, Graham became active in Mothers on the Move Spiritually, a Prince George’s County group that helped organize the Million Mom March last year against gun violence. Graham spoke out at the march and helped memorialize the dead.

Two months later, she was arrested in the shooting of Smith. Upon her arrest, police seized two guns from her nightstand and two more from elsewhere in her house. This is another sickening example of the liberal effetes’ hypocrisy.

Imagine if it had been an NRA official who was on trial!