MP Wayne Easter told to “scrap the registry”
MP Wayne Easter told to “scrap the registry”
Date: Jul 25, 2006 8:45 AM
PUBLICATION: The Guardian (Charlottetown)
DATE: 2006.07.25
SECTION: The Province
SOURCE: The Guardian
BYLINE: Steve Sharratt
Scrap the registry
The following organizations representing Island long-barrelled firearms
owners who want the long-barrelled gun registry scrapped met with
Malpeque MP Wayne Easter on Monday:
- National Firearms Association
- Mill River Wildlife Federation
- Kings County Shooting Range
- Charlottetown Trap and Skeet Club
- Ruffed Grouse Society, P.E.I. branch
- Delta Waterfowl, P.E.I. branch
- Canadian Shooting Sports Association
- P.E.I. Trappers Association
- Livingstone’s Family Gun Club, West Point
- Earnscliffe Pheasant Preserve
- O’Leary Skeet Club
- National Organization of Anglers and Hunters
- Prince County Sporting Club
- Island Shooting Sports
- National Wild Turkey Federation