Mr. Tough on Crime
From the November 1999 issue of Guns Magazine – by Scott Farrell.
“As the presidential campaign heats up in the coming months, one of the front runners will certainly be Vice President Al Gore. While the various candidates are jockeying for position on the issues, Gore has already made one of his policies very clear: he’s “tough on crime”.
Well, actually, he’s not so tough on crime, but he is tough on guns. Consider these proposals which he made at a recent speech in which he detailed his anti-crime agenda.
First, Gore wants to force all gun buyers to obtain a photo ID card, similar to a drivers’ license. Then, he intends to seek a ban on “junk guns” (whatever those may be), a requirement for safety locks on all firearms, and a prohibition against minors posessing “large capacity ammunition clips”.
But wait, those laws only affect law-abiding gun owners. What about the actual, convivted criminals?
In his speech, Gore vowed to get “tough” on them by imposing “a requirement that criminal defendants plegde to get off drugs if they want to stay out of jail.”
So, buying a gun and keeping it as a means of home protection is about to become significantly more difficult, but any convicted criminal who looks a judge in the eye and promises to be good will be released back onto the street with hardly more than a slap on the wrist. Don’t you feel safer already?”
I just had to post this one….it makes my skin crawl.