My 6 year old was shot and killed…..
Hi, 6 years ago my beautiful 6 year old daughter, Ahsley Marie, was shot and killed. By who? Her father. He was out of jail on probation for a brutal assualt he inflicted on me. The terms of his probation forbid the usual including possesion of firearms. I had legal custody of my 3 children (including Ashley) and he refused to give them back after a visitation. Yes, I went to the probation officer and explained this to her. I went there more often than I went to my own home it felt like. All she would say was ‘He told me he has coustody’. I showed her my papers that I had along with the restraining order/custody order. SHe refused to acknowledge my pleas. Needless to say, my daughter died on a Saturday night. When I called her the following morning to ask if he was in jail because I wanted my other two children. She said she felt HE had been traumatized enough and she would not be sending him back to jail. Yes, I went above her and then got him placed back into custody. He plea bargained this out to 5 years probation for the death of beautiful Ashley. Oh, he did get a $59.00 fine.
The point behind this you ask? Who was at fault for my daughter losing her precious life? Who is the one that deserves punishment? Who failed my daughter? Who ignored my pleas of help? Who allowed the plea bargain? Who has allowed him to have 3 more firearm violations with no more than 30 days in jail? I can tell you it was not S&W, the gun that was used. I am a owner of several firearms to this day and if I truely believed that my daughter was killed by the gun, I would not own one. Yes, the method was a firearm, but the man and court system behinde HIM pulled the trigger.
I’d like to hear form you and please do not feel sorry for my. I did not post this for your sympathy. I want to help people understand that we need to get these criminals in jail and punish them, not feel for THEM. He sure as hell did not feel for me when he shot my first born.