My attempt to educate Helen and all the other Misguided Moms

March 1st, 2012

Helen’s private response to me at the bottom. She falls back to the usual MMM BS, and the truth further comes out…..

Hi Helen,
Hence your statement we need to ban guns…. yeah right, you might want to go tell that to someone who is as misguided as you and will fall for your lies.
What you say is the same recording we here from HCI,MMM and all there supporters! I’ll try and educate you as I have ever other one who has come at us with these same misimformation. Are you willing to listen to the TRUTH???
Or will you keep you head buried in your ass with your eyes ears and mind closed. Seems lately the only thing that you females have opened are your mouths.

OH, BTW, Did you even bother listening to the Radio ad, Helen?

Hitler wanted the same “common sense” gun laws you misguided moms want.
to find out what survivors of the holocaust think of gun liscensing and registration.

Question for you. I’ve asked this of other misguided Moms and have yet to receive answer, Here’s hoping YOU might be woman enough to answer me.

Why is it just gun deaths that you/they are worried about? Are not ALL criminal/ violent deaths tradgic? That includes those acts of violence committed with knives, shovels, baseball bats, and yes , even hands and feet!
What kind of “sensible” laws do you propose to stop these?

Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? Have you read the Bill of Rights? Have you read Thomas Paines “Common Sense”?

You’re being used and screwed just like the rest of us. Can you not see that your emotion is being used against you?
Of course , WE have emotion also. Every time a child (or anyone) is lost to ANY kind of violence/crime; Every time a friend or family member or anyone is raped or beaten we are FULL of emotion. But you want to know the difference between you/MMM/HCI (Sarah Brady, Rosie O, Diane fienstein, Barbara Bover , Hilary Clinton) and me/WAGC/SAS/MotherArms/SWARM?
…… besides abhoring ALL violence…. WE don’t blame LIFELESS INANIMATE OBJECTS/TOOLS OR the law abiding citizens. Like the SMART moms of MADD we put the put the blame on IRRESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUALS. WE know that gun SAFETY is spelled E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N!
WE know that Firearms are used in self defense OVER 2 MILLION times a yr!WE know that SC Case after case has stated that the police nor any government agency has any ANY constitutional duty to protect us.

(check it out IF you REALLY care about your loved ones)

Here you’ll find 28 court cases (as precedence), showing
the Police have no obligation to protect any individual person from harm.
Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure your own safety
It is a grave, immoral, and unethical act by any legislative body to restrict a law abiding individual’s ability to adequately protect themselves and their loved ones.

So who’s duty is it? YOU tell me.

Misguide Moms claim “We are for responsible firearm ownership through registration and licensing; safety locks, “cooling off” period, etc.”

You know, it’s really funny that the “sensible gun safety laws” that you endorse now are the SAME gun CONTROL laws that HCI has endorsed for years.

A few questions, again hoping YOU can/will answer for me. (can’t seem to get any other MMM to answer)

Besides the fact that all of your “sensible gun laws” are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, please tell me:
1) Has the registration of automobiles and the licensing of drivers (something MADD had NOTHING to do with) LESSEN the chance of us/our children or you/your children being killed by an IRRESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL who decides to have a little to much to drink and then get behind the wheel of an automobile? So what makes you think it’ll work with firearms?

2) Safety Locks have been proven TWICE by the Anti self defense crowd in front of anti self defense crowd that trigger locks are DEADLY.
Thank you, Mr. Henigan and Govenor Glendandale!
How many rapists/ criminalsdo you know that will give you a second chance?
It’s also been proven by a firearm safety instructor in Utah that guns can be fired WITH triggerlocks ON! Trigger Locks are as big a joke as Aspirin Bottle safety caps.

3) Cooling off periods? How many rapists and violent criminals do you know thhat will actually “count to ten” before commitiing their act of violence?

4) Gun Free Zones? They’ve been proven numerous times that they are deadly!
Gun Control KILLS: Columbine H.S. – Unarmed victims hid behind desks and prayed
ARMED CITIZENS SAVE LIVES: PEARL H. S. Pearl Miss. – Assistant Principle Joe Wyrick was able to retrieve his selfdefense weapon from his car and hld the shooter for police. (how many more lives could have been save had he had his Self defense weapon on his person – we’ll never know, esp. if the MMM, HCI get their way)

Which school would YOU prefer YOUR kids to attend? How many of the MMM partipants are rich like Rosie and can afford a “private body guard” for your children? Are YOU?

AND Finally:
5) What laws are you willing to endorse to ensure the reponsibility of CRIMINALS?!?!?!? Huh?

If you really want to stop crime and violence, there’s not but one way to do it:
If you misguided mommies would put as much effort into reforming the revolving door justice sysytem and ending prison perks (making prison an undesirable place to be) and holding soft on crime lawyers and judges who allow the REPEATED offenders back out on the street time and again accountable you wouldn’t need to INFRINGE upon the law abiding. If you would encourage lw makers and police to enforce the 20,000 CRIMINAL laws all ready on the books, you would not have to INFRINGE on law abiding citizens!

We’v been to the Misguided Moms website. Why do you think we marched against you? It wasn’t because we didn’t have better things to do on MOTHER’S DAY… stay home and enjoy our families!

I see your using another email address! Why?
Arent you able to defend your position? are you afraid to hear the truth? I’m willing to discuss it with you, are you willing to listen? I’m willing to work to work with you to stop violence, BUT WITHOUT INFRINGING ON LAW ABIDING CITIZENS! Are YOU willing to work with us or are you dead set on destroying our basic fundamental human right to defend our lives ,liberty and property as stated in the Preamble to the US Constitution?

looking forward yo hearing from you and working to stop violence/crime together….. for our children’s sake, for our sake,


—–Original Message—–
From: Helen Chan <[email protected]>
To: WAGC (RKBA- NON Negotiable!)
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: JPFO Radio Ad

>We are neither. MMM is not against private firearm ownership. We are for
>responsible firearm ownership through registration and licensing; safety
>locks, “cooling off” period, etc.
>Please visit the MMM website for our mission statement and the common sense
>gun laws that we are proposing to legislators.
>Have a Nice Day.
>—– Original Message —–
>From: WAGC (RKBA- NON Negotiable!) <[email protected]>
>To: <[email protected]>
>Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 11:50 AM
>Subject: Fw: JPFO Radio Ad
>> Where it gun control leads….. Listen if you dare!
>> Pass it on if you dare
>> only two types of people are afraid of private firearm ownership
>> Criminals and tyrants ….. which are you?