nancy you are right
The war on drugs is BULL****. When prohabition was abolished, the homicide per capita dropped from 10 per 100,000 to 4 per 100,000. This lasted until the early 1960′s when our government started to make the same dumb mistake with drug prohibition. With drug prohabition, 9,000 people die every year because of illegal drug overdoses. This is because the drug dealers have the teenagers cutting the drugs. These kids don’t know what they are doing, so the drugs are cut wrong. If they were legal, the stuff would be cut
correctly and there would be far fewer fatalities.
Legalizing drugs would cut the crime rate in half.
Also, drug legalization would help out Latin America. Their crime rate is atrocious. In Columbia the homicide per capita is 100 per 100,000. In Brazil the number is 34 per 100,000. Also Brazil passed gun control laws. Due to the extreme racism in that country, there is a genocide watch for that country.
In Britian crime increased 19% because of gun control. Also, Britian abolished trails by jury. Australia is having a lot of racial problems and they banned guns. As a result homicides are up 3.3% and armed robberies are up 44%
When genocide is mentioned everyone is still looking at Germany. But as I see it, the next countries that would commit the next genocide are probably Brazil, Australia and possibly Britian.
Of course right now Germany has restrictions on guns and there has been a slight increase in crime over there also.