Nancy, you look so alone.

March 1st, 2012

For what it’s worth let me put my two cents in to keep you company.

This afternoon while lunching on chicken in black bean sauce I had occasion to read an op-ed piece in the Washington Post by a former federal prosecutor, Eric Holder. (A Clinton flunkie/appointee)

What’s HIS solution to helping fight terrorism? Well, of course, close the “gun show loophole”. Golly, what was I to expect from the column entitled “Keeping Guns Away From Terrorists”? Like there aren’t a zillion fully automatic AK’s floating around the middle east and south central Asia.

This Anthrax business has a lot of people on edge, and rightfully so. (I got my stash of Cipro more than two weeks ago.) In October 2000 when I went for my annual physical I asked my internist about getting innoculated against smallpox and anthrax. He looked at my like I was paranoid. Not THIS time, he didn’t. When I asked for a scrip for ten days worth of Cipro he wrote it right up. (For about $97.00 they would make great stocking stuffers.)

But back to my point about Anthrax. NOW those politician on Capitol Hill know how average people — who do not have the Capitol Police Force to look after them — feel about street crime. These big-shot Senators and Congressmen looked so helpless and were so scared they shut down Capitol Hill. Maybe they can relate to the waitress who gets home really late feels when she has to park her car three blocks from her second-floor walk-up and hoof it through a dark neighborhood — without a legal carry piece.

Again, I hope they can get the place cleaned up, get everybody medication who needs it, and apprehend the people responsible for sending Anthrax out via the mails…. But what’s it feel like to be threatened and know that if something does happen the cops may not get there in time to save your butt?