: National Ammo Day at the Range
: National Ammo Day at the Range
National Ammo Day – Nov. 19
National Ammo Day – Nov. 19
National Ammo Day – Nov. 19
From: Alan Korwin, Author
Gun Laws of America
Nov. 14, 2003
Dear Editor,
A new and subtle attack on gun rights is under way in America. Shooting
ranges around the country are threatened by urban encroachment,
anti-gun-rights politicians, hoplophobes (people with a morbid fear of
weapons), land developers, people with little regard for fundamental
liberties. In Maryland, reportedly, there are few places left to shoot.
In Arizona, one the nation’s finest outdoor ranges, the Ben Avery
Shooting Facility, is threatened by the march of urban sprawl. The right
to keep and bear arms means little if you have nowhere to discharge
Within the penumbra of the constitutional freedom to keep and bear arms
– a freedom Americans have exercised since the country was founded –
lies the clearly implied right to practice shooting. This includes the
right to train children, develop marksmanship skills, learn gun safety
rules, increase national preparedness, teach your friends, introduce
newcomers and more. Reducing the number and quality of places available
to publicly assemble and discharge firearms in pursuit of these
constitutional values is an infringement on the civil right to arms, and
cannot be allowed.
This coming Wed., Nov. 19, is National Ammo Day. I say join this
patriotic annual BUYcott, vote with your wallet, and put millions of
rounds of fresh ammo into the hands of law-abiding citizens. Support the
industries that support our freedom. Get the details at AmmoDay.com.
Help empty the shelves and let the gun haters know you’re proud of your
right to arms, and that you exercise that freedom. And buy a couple of
boxes of shells at a range, too, where you can put them to good use.
Alan Korwin, Author
Gun Laws of America
Alan Korwin is the author of seven books on gun laws and runs the
website gunlaws.com.
Alan Korwin
“We publish the gun laws.”
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