. National Center for Health Statistics, 1997 . Released in Sept 1998

March 1st, 2012

4. National Center for Health Statistics, 1997 data. Released in September


Firearms deaths. The data are compiled from official death certificates.

Each line lists the following:
Name of cause of death. Total deaths in this category, all ages. Total
deaths in this category for persons aged 0-19. Total deaths in this category
persons 14 and under.

Legal intervention by firearm, 270, 18, 1.
Not determined whether the fatal firearms discharge was accidental or was an
intentional crime. 367, 75, 15
All firearms homicides, including the two types listed above. 13849, 2562,
Suicide by firearm. 17568, 1262, 127.
Firearm Accident, 981, 306, 142.