Neal Knox Updates 1-18-00
—– Original Message —–
From: “Neal Knox” <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 2:57 PM
Subject: Clinton Wants Enforcement Funds
> Jan 18 update — NRA is about to get the first installment of
the increased enforcement of Federal gun laws they’ve been demanding.
> President Clinton will today announce in Boston a new spending
proposal to hire 200 new BATF agents and 100 U.S. Attorneys to prosecute
more gun cases.
> In a joint appearance with Attorney General Janet Reno and local
law-enforcement officials, Clinton was also scheduled to praise new
Justice Department figures showing a 25 percent increase from 1998 to
1999 in the number of firearms cases brought by federal prosecutors –
from 4,391 in 1998 to 5,500 last year.
> One reason for so many attempted illegal purchases by convicted
felons not being prosecuted was mentioned this morning by a panel of
BATF and FBI officials who met with gun dealers and distributors: many
of the blocked would-be purchasers are “grandfathers who were convicted
of a ‘youthful indiscretion’ decades ago.”
> In response to one of my questions they said the names of
purchasers of multiple firearms on a single day are expunged after two
> One unusual question was about the requirement for a gun purchaser
to produce a photo i.d., while some people are religiously opposed to
having their photos taken. BATF said the sale could not be made without
legislative changes.
> ———-