New Hampshire anti-gun grants a waste
New Hampshire anti-gun grants a waste
Gun nuts: New Hampshire anti-gun grants a waste
GUN CRIME is not a significant problem in New Hampshire. According to
the Attorney General’s Office, there were 36 homicides in New
Hampshire in 2000 and 2001. Eleven of those were by gunshot. Eleven
were by stabbing or “other sharp force injury.” Nonetheless, New
Hampshire has received $320,000 in two federal grants to combat gun
crime. And another $300,000 is on the way. … If the federal
government is dead-set on fighting gun violence in New Hampshire, it
could have sent our police departments some cash to hire more
officers to patrol high-crime neighborhoods. If it wanted to help us
reduce domestic violence, it could have paid for more social workers
or drug and alcohol rehab programs. Sending federal tax dollars to
New Hampshire to fight gun crime is like sending money to Florida to
combat frostbite. …