News Story:Handgun charged with homocide

March 1st, 2012

Los Cruces, NM-Today, a Glock 23 handgun was officially charged with the brutal murder of two children, one of the 13 killed by handguns everyday in America, earlier this year.

Children should be anxiously awaiting Saturday morning cartoons, but that’s not what happened. Instead, terror gripped these children at 3:00 AM, February 12. That’s when sources close to the investigation say a Glock model 23, that’s a .40 caliber assault handgun favored by terrorist to board planes undetected, took control of unsuspecting 19 year old, John Smith, broke into the apartment of Greg Molinas and Paul Mertens, both nineteen, and shot them both.

“This marks the first time that a handgun will be charged with criminal charges. Smith has been released and will not be charged, since he was an unwilling participant”, said Officer Jake Posey, of the Las Cruces Police Department.

Gun safety advocates say this is the first step toward fianally making America safe for our children. “Handguns have been given a free ride for far too long,” said Patricia Hardcastle of Center for Ridding Idiots and Maniacs and Everyone of Self-Defense, or CRIMES, “It’s about time we tell these handguns, ‘Don’t tread on us’.

Anti-Gun safety groups such as the NRA and others, have tried to deflect the issue by saying that the problem is not the guns, but the people using the guns. They say that this case was drug-related. A thought Mrs Harcastle says is ridiculous.

“Children don’t have evil motives, and they certainly don’t have the power to withstand the power of a gun. I mean, a gun has the power to turn the most innocent of children into bloodthirsty killers!”

The handgun was taken into custody, and is awating trial. It refused to make any comment on the killings