No Gun Problem In Canada ( Hutton Press Release)
—– Original Message —–
From: “canadanews” <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 10:32 AM
Subject: Hutton – “Press Release”
> “There is no firearms or gun problem in Canada, and that is a statistical
> reality if you look at the whole picture without emotional rhetoric,”
> declared Bruce Hutton, founder of the Law-abiding Unregistered Firearms
> Association. “In Canada, in a year, we loose more children to accidental
> drowning in a bathtub than we do to use of a firearm.”
> Approximately 1000 people are killed each year from all incidents and causes
> with the use of a firearm. This figure includes suicides, gang killings and
> police shootings.
> “The latest statistics show spousal homicide is up for the first time in 6
> years. LUFA has stated from the beginning that this legislation would not
> make women safer. It makes any reasonable citizen question the federal
> Liberals statements about how the new Firearms Act is working in preventing
> violence against women,” Hutton stated.
> “We have major problems in this country that are being virtually ignored by
> the Liberals. I just lost my wife to cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society
> states we will lose 70,000 Canadians to cancer in 2002. Why does the
> federal government spend two hundred thousand dollars annually per death
> trying to implement the Firearms Act and four hundred and twenty-one dollars
> annually per death for cancer research? This is gross mismanagement of
> taxpayer’s dollars. Any moron should be able to figure out real Canadian
> problems and common sense priorities but this appears to be too much for
> Ottawa to grasp,” fumed Hutton. “The Heart and Stroke Foundation indicates
> we will lose approximately 80,000 Canadians to heart disease this year. I
> wonder what the Liberals spend per death per annum for research on this real
> Canadian problem?” queried Hutton.
> “Firearms incidents make dramatic news for the media but the facts are the
> facts. We do not have a gun problem in Canada and I challenge anyone to
> debate me publicly on this issue,” concluded Hutton