No, that would be too … American!
Letter: Responsible gun ownership
Date: Sep 22, 2006 8:52 AM
PUBLICATION: The Hamilton Spectator
DATE: 2006.09.22
SECTION: Opinion
BYLINE: Robert S. Sciuk, Oshawa
SOURCE: The Hamilton Spectator
Responsible gun ownership
Re: ‘Lock up your kids! A phrase that used to be directed at parents,
now so sadly applies to teachers’ (Column, Sept. 16)
Dianne Rinehart reports that Wendy Cukier of the Coalition for Gun
Control says one should not dwell upon tragedies such as the Dawson
College shooting: “We have to be very mindful of the unintended
consequences of focusing too much attention on rare events, such as
shootings.” Oddly enough, she seems to have made a career of it.
Clearly, one of Cukier’s “unintended consequences” would be to
strengthen the case for responsible citizens legally carrying concealed
weapons, as that would be the only realistic safeguard against armed
individuals running amok in public places.
No, that would be too … American!