north american coppers

March 1st, 2012

you guys seem to have some nasty coppers up there! I saw a few documentaries in the last years (on TV they seem to really like to air things like traffic police etc.) and I’m always appalled when I see their behaviour, the cops I mean. Someone is innocent until proven guilty. From the way they speak to people it sometimes seems they have forgotten that fact. Those coppers have this high almighty air over them. I think they have enormous ego’s.

They seem to have a completely different attitude than the ones here in Holland. Here I’d say they are firm, but polite. But mostly still human. Towards non-criminals that is. Here it seems a normalconverstaion, exchange of reords/information can still be held. (Unlike the topic ‘legal question’ underneath.. where there didn’t seem to be any normal converstation, maybe only wasting ‘power’?

What do you think about the policeforce and their behaviour? Are they? On an ego trip I mean? Are they good? Bad? or something else? Your opinion please? Do they suck or not?

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