Note from WAGC President and founder

March 1st, 2012


Thanks to all of you for your hard work these many years in spending your time to preserve the Second Amendment. This victory today at the U.S. Supreme Court is the culmination of tens of thousands of caring, hardworking, honest, independent and free Americans. These patriotic Americans made phone calls, donated money, sent e-mails, sent faxes, sent letters, attended rallies and protests, donated legal and professional expertise, and educated their friends and neighbors to help build an unstoppable grass roots effort to send a message that the second amendment is our individual right to protect our families and our country from those who want to harm us.

I want to especially thank Charles Hardy for his countless hours of writing and sending out alerts every time our gun rights were in danger. He gets the sole credit for keeping WAGC-Utah updated on these issues.

Women Against Gun Control can claim a small part of this victory today. The Southeastern Legal Foundation graciously represented pro bono WAGC in an amicus brief. This amicus brief is attached to this e-mail.

Thanks again and God Bless America!

Janalee Tobias, President and Founder
Women Against Gun Control, “Ladies (and men) of High Caliber”
“The Second Amendment IS the Equal Rights Amendment”