NRA ?Comic? on Internet Was ?Stolen Draft? (Outrageous misrepresenation)

March 1st, 2012

NRA ?Comic? on Internet Was ?Stolen Draft? (Outrageous misrepresenation)
Date: Jan 21, 2007 1:54 PM
What was done with this stolen document is an
outrageous misrepresentation. The draft did not
have to be stolen, the same could have been done
with a completed and released piece.
The New GUN WEEK. January 20, 2007
Page 5

NRA ?Comic? on Internet Was ?Stolen Draft? Says Spokesman

by Dave Workman
Senior Editor

A 28-page ?booklet? produced by the National Rifle
Association (NRA) called ?Freedom in Peril?Guarding the 2nd
Amendment in the 21st Century? that suddenly appeared on a
couple of Internet blogs last month was actually a draft
document that was stolen from the organization, an NRA
spokesman said.

NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandani told Gun Week that the
pirated draft is ?an internal working document.?

?It was stolen from the organization,? he said. ?It has not
been released.?

He said NRA is investigating to find out who leaked the
draft, which wound up on the liberal website,
where it was vilified, and on the San Francisco-based, where it got an equally unhappy reception.

Gun Week downloaded a copy of the actual stolen document,
and nowhere does it use the kind of language found in the
mocking parody that appeared on the version.
Indeed, the wonkette spoof could be interpreted as racist,
with such passages as this, which appeared under a
caricature of billionaire George Soros that was pulled from
the original stolen draft: ?Yes, this is George Soros. He
admits that he made his Jew Billions using the American
capitalist system, but now he?s using some of that money to
support political candidates! Typical Jew!? But the
anti-Semitic language was not in the NRA draft document.
That appears to be the work of spoofers on the wonkette

The actual draft document opens with a dire warning that the
Second Amendment ?stands naked in the path of a marching
axis of adversaries far darker and more dangerous than gun
owners have ever known.?

In an opening section that appears over the signatures of
NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox,
executive director of NRA?s Institute for Legislative
Action, readers are warned that ?it?s inevitable that
terrorists will invest America for generations to come? and
that one day an anti-gun president will once again be
elected, while anti-gunners will control both houses of

The actual document also predicts that ?unless we are
well-financed to face that moment, the final disarmament of
law abiding Americans will occur beneath the shroud of
anti-terrorism legislation.?

The draft document also discusses the threat to gun rights
from anti-hunting animal rights organizations, and it does
detail how Soros has pumped money into anti-gun projects,
including the ?Million? Mom March and global gun control

Liberal Politicians

There is another section that details the anti-gun
activities of liberal politicians, including: Sens. Dianne
Feinstein and Barbara Boxer (both D-CA); Edward M. Kennedy
and John Kerry (both D-MA); Charles Schumer (D-NY), and Rep.
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the new House speaker.

And there is a full section on the aftermath of Hurricane
Katrina, during which patrols of police officers and
National Guard troopers seized, without legal authority,
firearms from law-abiding citizens, Only a lawsuit filed in
federal court by NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation
stopped the seizures.

Perhaps not surprisingly, once the original draft and the
spoof began circulating, gun rights activists quickly
discerned the difference between the actual document and
the fake. They indicated support for everything in the
original, but blasted the liberal spoof

The heaviest criticism came on the
(KABA) forum, where activists posted messages ripping the
claims made by the wonkette spoof.

?I don?t think I?ve ever read about any NRA members burning
down ski lodges under construction for encroaching on the
wilderness, releasing infected animals from laboratories, or
vandalizing SUVs on a dealer?s lot because they?re ?causing
global warming,? or throwing blood on some one because they
object to their choice of clothing material,? one man wrote.

Another observed, ?The NRA has done more for minorities in
this country than every single one of those leftwing
communists put together.

Civil War Heroes

?Ever heard of General Ambrose Burnside, General Winfleld
Scott Hancock, General and President Ulysses S. Grant? They
were all presidents/founders of the NRA and Union heroes.

?General Hancock led Union forces in the Battle of
Gettyrsburg until he was hit (by) a cannon (ball) and nearly
lost his leg.

?Those men have literally fought and bled for the rights of
Blacks. What has Michael Moore and…Al Sharpton done to
advance black people??

And a third post observed, ?The NRA has never hated Jews.
To the contrary, (NRA President) Sandra Froman, is Jewish
… In addition, the NRA lauds Israel?s right to defend
itself against its many enemies and condemns Hitler?s
gun-grabbing at every turn.?

Gun Week asked via e-mail for comment from representatives
from both the wonkette and indybay forums, but without